A detailed account mostly political of the lead up to the six day war (beginning in 1948 ) and continuing for about five years after the war. It has a very academic flavor the author seems to like LBJ (?) and dislike Dayan. He does present some Arab sources and a few from the soviets
Well worth reading

John StultsAmazon Review

I saw Mr Oren on the I24news network and his analysis of the current Israeli/Hamas situation so impressed me that I wanted to find out who he was. I then learnt that he has written several non-fiction books and two fictions.

Marilyn Z. TomlinsAmazon Review

n an extremely well written book Michael Oren has provided an in depth and remarkably honest analysis of ongoing tensions between the Obama administration and Israel.

M. D RobertsAmazon Review

Un livre passionnant, un roman a la fois sur la deuxieme guerre mondiale et sur l amitie durable creee entre les combattants. Difficile de le poser

BerendAmazon International Review